OK I live full time in Northern NJ, part of the map that Vivo posted, my summer home is in 08087 part of south east NJ on the water, where I keep my boat. I'm not sure where you were able to get a working map of where I work (maybe at some point I mentioned it) but it doesn't worry me, I'm pretty open about things. The only thing that does bother me is that someone that doesn't like me might try and contact my employer and say bad things about me.
I much prefer people be upfront and if you like or don't like someone you state your opinion and move on. Some are more sneeky about things and stab you in the back making you prove your innocents.
either way I'm not hiding and was just away on a 4 day weekend with family, lots of fun, took my little girl boating! She's a captain and loves getting behind the wheel.
Thanks for missing me.