Brent..tnx. Happy to hear another goes to any event consisting of mostly the other type. The bigger event I went to was so called "The Ride For Homeless Vets". Past years I had gone to them but couldn't go on the ride being my scooters were a bit too short of power to stay with the groups of 3-400 bikes. Therefore I did my hobby bit which I am also retired from....News Photographer...a so called Photo-Journalist. With the 500 I made the trip this year and kept up with all on the trip with no problem. I came from the 200, 300 and now as said...the 500 and I think that is the last step up. I used to be a certified diver but gave that up after the local rivers got so darn dirty, one couldn't see more than 2-3 feet in front of you. Years ago, New Smyrna Beach, I was hit in the leg by either a Moray or Barracuda. That was the end to my ocean wandering. I do much hobby photo shoots now and go simply with one camera which I am very comfortable with. Nikon CoolPix p510. 42X, 16.1 megapixels is very comfortable for me. I don't care to carry all the different lenses when one like this is available. I worked with two Pulitzer Winners, John Filo and Eddie Adams, both lived near me. The Filo shot was about the 13 year old girl from FL which showed her after she was not found for awhile. Talk to you more.