I have the Haynes "Automatic Transmission, 50 to 250cc Two-wheel, Carbureted Models: Daelim, Honda, Kymco, Piaggio, Vespa, & Yamaha" manual.
It is helpful, though the Like is not in it. The Kymco's represented are: Agility 50 (2006 and later), Kymco People S-50 (2006 and later), Agility 125 (2006 and later), People S-125 (2006 and later), People S-200 (2006 and later). With regard to specific models, it lists basic specs for each and specs for their Engine, Fuel system, Ignition system, Transmission, Brakes, Tire pressures, Electrical system, and Torque wrench settings. The manual itself is actually quite helpful for general maintenance, with sections on 2 and 4 stroke repair in general with copious pictures. If I had a garage or dedicated work area, I would definitely use the manual more, along with this forum:)
I don't know of the cd of which you speak, but I have found the manual to which psuffix referred to be helpful (and a little more specific with regard to Like specs), although most of the pictorial info in it refers to the 125.