when i got it , it went 62 km/h max and after the variator it goes 65 km/h or 75 km/h if i roll it down a hill first ( down hill it goes 80+ but i guess it messes up the restrictions )
as i said , the boss was allready smooth and i found no wire in the cdi . i got a repair set for the 80cc carb and am gonna put the jets in mine .
thinking of getting a jcosta variator ( 85 euros ) or a malossi ( 65 euro ) with dr pulley sliders ( 20 euro ) , a new kevlar belt and some clutch springs .
should i buy a race cdi ? tried a chinesse one ( 8 euros ) and it blew the fuses . is this cdi AC or DC and what is the difference ?
thank you all so much for the help !