The tech section is meant to be a general section for general tech write ups or advice. For more specific info on a specific model you will generally get more info and correct advice from others who own that model, in your case the people section.
Wasnt getting cocky, just saying....
If you havent given up then why did you put it for sale
I dont want or need it, my A50 is faster and i already own 2 scoots. Besides i dont live in the states so the shipping cost wouldnt be worth it even if i did want it, which i dont cos its too slow
Just cos your pissed off with the scoot and cant resolve the problem on your kymco does not make all Kymcos or even all People 50's bad scoots, it just means you or your mechanic havent figured out how to fix it yet.
Anyway.......if you are interested in trying to fix it then why not PM Wordslinger and ask him nicely if he can offer any advice or help, he has a people and knows his stuff so that may be your best bet.
.......or just give up, sell it, and buy the Tao Tao.