Ugh, this tuning thing is ever ongoing. I got a metric drill bit kit that ranges from. 3mm to 1.6mm. I started out with a .85 and the plug looked lean, same with the .90mm. So I stepped it up to a 1.0 or 100 jet, and it now pops like it way rich, but the plug doesnt look overly rich. My problem is my buddy, he's raced 4 wheelers since a kid, and keeps saying he knows what the plug should look like when its running correct. He said the electrode ground strap should not have any white on the tip, he says that's lean. I thought I should be looking at the white insulator around the electrode, and tune the carb till it has a chocolate brown color. I just want to make sure im doing this correct, should I tell him his way is wrong? Sorry for the long post, I think I should just put a .95 jet in it and check the plug after a few minutes of riding.