After a few weeks of not posting many of us thought it was unusual for someone who posted everyday and usually multiple times just abruptly stopped. This thread was started as a humorous expression of missing Zombie and light-hearted speculation as to what had happened to him; ie,
alien abductions, becoming an expatriot on a tropical island, and yes incarceration. When many of his close friends who had been given private access to Zombie's cell number, address, and work number were unable to contact him I would say that there was true concern about him. Now putting myself in his place I would be royally pissed off if the members of this forum iniated police contact while I was enjoying my favorite pipefull and a little nibble on my nub. I would also be gratefull if the same iniative found me in a back alley after I had the sh** beat out of me. So go back and read the thread and many of the same people who are so critical today really had humorous ideas as to Zombie's where abouts at the start.