Author Topic: Will Not Start..HELP!  (Read 2240 times)


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Will Not Start..HELP!
« on: June 11, 2009, 05:45:25 PM »
OK Guys time for you professionals to help me out here. I have tried what i know (which aint much) to try to get my Zx50 started but this thing is being really stubborn. The Guy i bought the bike from shorted out the Started Relay trying to jump start the bike from his car so i used a small wire to bypass the relay to continue turning the starter over because i cant find the right relay (the tiny square 4 prong 30A)to replace it yet.
The bike has been sitting for a year or so but here is what has been replaced.

New C.D.I
New Plug
New Coil
Fuel Tank Drained,Removed,cleaned,re-installed
I am getting suction from the carb now due to I cleaned the jets

Now i still am not getting any spark and every once in a while it will spark VERY VERY slightly, I have checked all connections for corrosion and cleaned them but she still wont fire.

Could this be the stator causing all this trouble?  I would have to purchase a stator for 68.00 from the local shop but there is no refunds on electrical not even to check and see if this is the part i need.
so what im asking is if anyone can help me get her started!!

all she does is kick over like a car with a bad coil. I have tried 3 different coils but none of them get enough spark for some please guys im dyin to ride this one instedd of my tiny 10" stamped steel wheel one!!
« Last Edit: June 11, 2009, 06:20:07 PM by chubbyrockstar »


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Re: Will Not Start..HELP!
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2009, 11:25:04 PM »
used a steering wheel puller and removed the stator, everything looked fine, went bought another new plug, this time a champion brand copper plus. Installed it and now i have a much better spark so my Ngk plug was probably going bad although it was new still.
She still will not fire up though, acts like it wants to but no sucess yet...i will finish the puzzle but i need a break



She fired finally for 2 seconds using the kick start then died again, seems i have to wait a few minutes before i try again...still workin on the puzzle
« Last Edit: June 12, 2009, 02:13:22 AM by chubbyrockstar »


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Re: Will Not Start..HELP!
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2009, 04:08:02 AM »
Glad to hear it fired.  In my experience, it takes a few 'starts' to break in a new plug.  I recently installed a new plug and it would die on me after a few seconds, but now it runs great.

If thats not it, you probably have a fuel flow or mixture problem.  At least you got the electrical stuff sorted out though.


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Re: Will Not Start..HELP!
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2009, 06:17:46 AM »
Thanks T, I appreciate it, Ya its been a hell of a puzzle but it isnt complete yet..

I still have to find the electric start relay, ( i have it jumped at the relay with a small wire in the clip to the positive) so the only way i have to start it right now is try kicking it ( which i just took completely apart, regreased entire kick and re-installed) and the kick works like it was new again which was a nice surprise. Or I can try starting it but touching the positive wire and ignition wires to the battery which I have not had much sucess with because it wont fire that well when i do that for some odd reason and of course my starter heats way up trying not to mention the little piece of wire i jumped the relay with  ( i found that out the hard way)when i kick it it seems to take two kicks, starts then immediatly dies.
two days ago it wouldnt fire so im makin progress for a noob lol

tomorrow morning just in case im draining all the 2 cycle oil out of it again and trying 2 stroke injection oil (the green stuff) and also draining and re-newing the gas so i can flush out the tank again!
wish me luck hahaha

im taking off the exaust right now just to make sure aint no nests  8..

UPDATE... Exaust is totally plugged, waiting till morning to se wha ti can do in the day light :)
« Last Edit: June 12, 2009, 07:01:28 AM by chubbyrockstar »

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