Thanks for the idea. For some reason the North American White Tale is mesmerized by bright lights.
Auto, motorbike, or hand held high beam lights used by the poachers around here at night. It is the same when we hunt roos in Australia. Once they catch the bright beam of light in their eyes they freeze. There is a lot of deer road kill because of this. Instead of running away they become statues and won't move. That's why it is so illegal at night to hunt. Because there is no sport involve. It does not require any skill to shoot a completely stationary target, and then one that will not run away at that. However, I think those lights you suggested would be a great safety addition
because of the added visual capability they provide at night. If my XC500 ever gets out of the shop I'm going to buy them, so thanks. I love the history of your country. What a heritage from Rob Roy
to present day. One of the greatest crimes of humanity was when Mary Queen Scots was murdered
and the throne was stolen from her. Well, I digress. Thanks for the info on the lights.