I know - I was laughing my butt off about the toilet paper!
I mean, ok, toilet paper is just a fact of life, etc - but if I was making a movie I don't think I would have it play a prominate roll. (Pun intended!)
Anyway . . . I'll try to act my age rather than my shoe size.
The seat cover - saddle bags. I did like them. I liked that they could roll up. I liked the seat cover because I don't like my Yager seat. That cover would allow me to experiment by putting foam under the cover.
On the other hand - I don't like the cover because I can't just remove the whole saddle bag assembly and take it inside with me. There are other saddle bags that just have two straps that you lock under the seat. That system allows you to remove the whole thing in seconds.
This really isn't that big a deal, as I would probably have bags inside the saddle bags.
Those bags could work - I'd want to see them in person @ my local StuffMart.