Its funny how the Chinese don't know the same math the rest of the world does. I know mine quite well.
The math is obvious and simple, even for the Chinese, but the reason nobody cares about exact numbers in lots of cases is because they don't matter that much most of the time. There's no use, for example, bothering with a 4..5% difference in displacement if other variables in the same system make much larger differences in both actual and perceived performance...
Manufacturers just choose the actual sizes of their products for convenient design and production instead of aiming for round numbers. They round up the marketed numbers to the nearest common sounding number, because using numbers like 81.248cc in the name of a vehicle or aftermarket part would sound rather ridiculous to most people...
This is not something that's limited to Chinese manufacturers or motorcycle business, it's standard industry practice - and I'm happy with it, because it increases the signal to noise ratio of this already far too chaotic world