I fooled around with the setup this morning and will ride it for awhile. My overall impression is that on a typical relatively smooth road the bike feels a little more comfortable. On harsh roads I may have to adjust the rebound a little cause they transmit a little sharper hit. I do not believe I could bottom out these shocks but that may be optimism. I was not unhappy with the OEM shocks and they were better than the shocks on my Burgman 650. The new shocks with some fine tuning will likely perform better. One thing for sure -- they do look better. Bling for the bike.
Personally, could not care less about "looks" of shocks on a plastic scooter.
However, YMMV.
Let's get to business: How much did you pay for them and where did you buy them? I am asking because OEM shocks on my P250S are utter crap, so maybe replacing them with aftermarket could improve the situation... or I will ditch the scoot altogether in the near future.
I do not know if they are 3-way adjustable, but if so, the major problem with such shocks is that rear suspension has to be set in tune with the front suspension (that's why sports bikes have 3-way adjustable front and rear suspension). Front suspension is fixed for you (us), so the best outcome is to adjust "crapiness" or "quirkiness" of scoot's front suspension to the (now) fully adjustable rear suspension. Google suspension adjustment of sports bikes...