Just note one thing:
The drive plate and the clutch plate has a determined dimension, whatever it be.
When the first is closed, the belt runs at the high part of it. When the second one it is open, the belt runs at the small part of it.
¿When it is closed and the other opened? when you ride fast. There is no more diameter for the drive plate, and there is no less diameter for the cluth plate.
At this point, if you want to get the engine with less revolutions, you should need to get a bigger drive plate (with more diameter), because the diameter of the other part can not be minor.
You can't get less revolutions at a determined ponit.
The Malossi variator I noted that everytime the motor went more revolutionated. Always, except when you pass from 85 miles/h, where occurs what I told you before, the max and the min diameters. From this point, whatever increasing of speed is caused exclusively by the increasing of rpm of the engine. This is valid for all variators.