Holy hot camel sh** gang! Sounds like it's time to assume the emergency position ....
Step 1: Find nice comfortable seat.
Step 2: Lean forward and put head between Knees.
Step 3: Now kiss arse goodbye !
Nahh, just kidding. Don't worry about it groovers, ol Kim what's his face is just a friggin tosser !!!
Besides, we've got more important things to take care of Vivo. We need a decent truck to get the band and all our equipment around for starters. Then there's band practice Tuesday and Thursday nights (which I've noticed you've been a bit slack on these last couple on weeks I might add), roadies to organize etc, etc, and your worrying about trivial crap like that. You just keep your mind on the job and get back to writing more material for the album okay, not wasting time worrying about that knobhead. We've got fan to please remember !
As Mr Marley famously sang; " Don't worry, 'bout a thing, coz every little thing's, gonna be alright'.
So, chill man. Go grab a beer or something, and get your mind back on our music alright.
Geez, I dunno Vivo. You can be such a worry wart sometimes.
Catch you soon ol mate.
Hairy Bob