Author Topic: Kim Jung Un  (Read 6453 times)


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Re: Kim Jung Un
« Reply #30 on: April 22, 2013, 01:33:57 AM »
Can't help but thinking this.... (please don't get mad guys)... I can't resist...

Is it possible that the U.S. of A. is behind the Boston bombing?   peace!...

Why? because in less than a few days, they identified and caught the persons involved and made a press release mentioning the superiority of America and it's ability to protect it's country from outside threat.... seemed like a stage play to me...


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Re: Kim Jung Un
« Reply #31 on: April 22, 2013, 05:44:16 AM »
not possible, does not add up, just political blither blather nonsense. its a big world, things happen, and our government has no reason to attack the citizens of its own nation. for what reason?

american superiority? its a given among many if not most, like it or not. so far as proving they can protect citizens and the country from threats? well, setting it up to make it appear as if two seemingly ordinary guys, one of which is not yet old enough to drink, can just go ahead and detonate homemade bombs in crowds on holidays is not exactly sending a strong message of protection or so called american superiority. in fact quite to opposite when you consider the older brother was questioned by the fbi less then a couple years ago and found NOT to be a threat

so none of that holds water, the conspiracy thing. its just not right thinking and is illogical, at best. the country and politicians always make hay out of patriotism, blah blah blah when the "bad guys" are finally taken down. but politically this does not make america seem superior or protected. in fact as said, it can be argued quite the opposite

and with all the conspiracy theorists out there, what good would it do? hell, EVERYONE knows WE set it up. so big deal? why do it at all? there is no political or practical gains. i think a lot of people just like to FEEL superior and smart and they know better then most. THEY know a secret, these conspiracy folks. and EVERYONE else is being deceived, and are stupid and blind sheep at best. and of course they can't prove the secret, nor have to make it logical. they just keep saying the same garbage again and again until they believe it and whatever weak minded others will follow

this is the real world. America has enough enemies to point fingers at and fight without having to make them up by killing our own in the streets

« Last Edit: April 22, 2013, 05:49:40 AM by MrKymco »


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Re: Kim Jung Un
« Reply #32 on: April 22, 2013, 12:24:51 PM »
Its funny I thought the same thing when the guy was caught so quickly. it all seemed too melodramatic. Who knows.
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Re: Kim Jung Un
« Reply #33 on: April 22, 2013, 07:31:43 PM »
not possible, does not add up, just political blither blather nonsense. its a big world, things happen, and our government has no reason to attack the citizens of its own nation. for what reason?

I hope we can be/stay respectful about this, here goes.

The USofA has many times killed it's own for their own purpose, let's start with the American Indian, treaty after treaty had been made and broken only so the US could expand accross this country. Do you remember the Maine, they said that Spain blew it up, not true, we needed a reason to go to war with Spain and that did it. The gov was behind Linclon. and Kennedy being shot, you really don't think Oswald did it do you? How about the 12 or so people that "died" shortly after Oswald was caught, including the first reporter to interview him, and the police officer that arrested him? Jack Ruby and his secratary?? Pearl Harbor, the American people wanted nothing to do with another war, we had just gotten out of the first WW, so our leaders allowed Japan to bomb Pearl Harbor to draw us in WWII. The same can be said for the WTC, before you dismis this claim ask yourself how building #7 went down even though it was not hit by a plane, and there are video recordings of the owner saying "Pull it" and the building imploded within it's own footprint. Time and time again our great country has sacraficed the few for the good of the many, however in these latest cases it's been the other way around, sacraficing many for the good of the elite.

Vivo and others, wait a little while for the truth to come out, what they really want to do is get us use to having no rights and us taking commands much like Germans did under Hitler, they are ripping apart the constitution every way they can, his action goes very deep, very, very deep.
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Re: Kim Jung Un
« Reply #34 on: April 22, 2013, 10:47:42 PM »
08087....give me solid, logical proof. that is all i ask for. is that unreasonable? i don't want to hear about how this country was founded. we know it was founded by the gun, and war against so called enemies. but give me proof the government sets up assassinations and plots against its own?

give me one insider who can not just say it, but prove it. one dissenter which can blow the whistle and give evidence? why should i take your word for it when it would seem you ask not to take the governments word for it?

do you think with our history we don't have enemies? do you think our foes are peaceful victims? do you think we have to attack and kill our own because no one else will if we wait long enough? as said, it is senseless to create what is already there.

so, prove it to me. i understand America has its sins, but so do other nations. blood on all hands, not just the U.S. tell me in this battle of cultures and the world....which side would you like to see "winning?" because America is not perfect, but neither are others. and we do live in freedom....once a person decides to free themselves of political nonsense. no one tells ME what to do or how to do it, how to live or not live, or what to say and how to say it. or what to think and believe. not without compelling reason or evidence. for ME that is freedom. and everyday i live in it and thank this country for affording me its opportunities

real evidence is all i ask for. oh, i am anti interventionist btw. but that is not reality. its just not. so here we are.....repeating history, and history catching up with us. on and on it goes....
« Last Edit: April 22, 2013, 10:52:51 PM by MrKymco »


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Re: Kim Jung Un
« Reply #35 on: April 23, 2013, 01:06:58 AM »

First I may be a bit all over the place in my reply, so forgive me if I am hard to follow, I'm a scatter brain that way.

First I'm not here to discuss what other countries do and have done, this is a topic of the US, so let us keep it on topic, shall we?

I'm not sure how you can deny that American's locked up and killed off hundreds of thousands of American Indians, I feel I should not have to prove this to you, if you want me to I give up because an open mind is what I ask and you have to follow/trust a certain amount of logic.

You are aware that the American gov gave thousands of Southern black men syphilis to study the effects on them are you not? If not goggle it.

You are aware that the American gov. did mind altering tests on unsuspecting Americans are you not, if not goggle it.

Do you really think Oswald shot JFK 4 times with a single bolt action rifle? If so you are incredibly naive. The arresting police officer (of Oswald) died, Jack Ruby kills Oswald and he dies, jack Rubies secretary dies, the reporter that interviewed Oswald in his cell, died, all these people and about 1 dozen others could have been whistle blowers but were silenced.

Look on YouTube about WTC building #7, have an open mind and see for yourself how a building of its size would implode without being hit by a plane.

Have you looked up the Maine?

MLK was killed, but not by James Earl Ray, even MLK's widow met with JER before he passed and accepted that he was not the man that killed her husband, look it up.

The FBI held the older "Boston" bomber for questioning 1 yr prior to the bombs going off, we have spent over 1 trillion $'s, have unconstitutional laws on the books such as the "Patriot act" and yet they still don't know when they have a bad apple hanging from the tree?

Anyone worth the salt knows that you create a problem to solve a problem, the US wants a police state, so to accomplish this they pull off a Boston Bombing.

So go back and look up these events of history, if I can I may even supply you with a link or 2. But I doubt the truth will open a mind that is closed.

When you can look up the book called "War is a racket", Here is a link for you, it's cheap too.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2013, 01:29:43 AM by 08087 »
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Re: Kim Jung Un
« Reply #36 on: April 23, 2013, 01:12:10 AM »
So, I think my question was answered.... my question was just "is it possible?"
« Last Edit: April 23, 2013, 01:17:18 AM by Vivo »


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Re: Kim Jung Un
« Reply #37 on: April 23, 2013, 01:31:24 AM »
So, I think my question was answered.... my question was just "is it possible?"

IMO not only possible, quite possible. Lol!
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Re: Kim Jung Un
« Reply #38 on: April 23, 2013, 01:48:24 AM »
IMO not only possible, quite possible. Lol!

wasn't me.... wasn't me!!


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Re: Kim Jung Un
« Reply #39 on: April 23, 2013, 03:22:06 AM »

First I may be a bit all over the place in my reply, so forgive me if I am hard to follow, I'm a scatter brain that way.

First I'm not here to discuss what other countries do and have done, this is a topic of the US, so let us keep it on topic, shall we?

I'm not sure how you can deny that American's locked up and killed off hundreds of thousands of American Indians, I feel I should not have to prove this to you, if you want me to I give up because an open mind is what I ask and you have to follow/trust a certain amount of logic.

You are aware that the American gov gave thousands of Southern black men syphilis to study the effects on them are you not? If not goggle it.

You are aware that the American gov. did mind altering tests on unsuspecting Americans are you not, if not goggle it.

Do you really think Oswald shot JFK 4 times with a single bolt action rifle? If so you are incredibly naive. The arresting police officer (of Oswald) died, Jack Ruby kills Oswald and he dies, jack Rubies secretary dies, the reporter that interviewed Oswald in his cell, died, all these people and about 1 dozen others could have been whistle blowers but were silenced.

Look on YouTube about WTC building #7, have an open mind and see for yourself how a building of its size would implode without being hit by a plane.

Have you looked up the Maine?

MLK was killed, but not by James Earl Ray, even MLK's widow met with JER before he passed and accepted that he was not the man that killed her husband, look it up.

The FBI held the older "Boston" bomber for questioning 1 yr prior to the bombs going off, we have spent over 1 trillion $'s, have unconstitutional laws on the books such as the "Patriot act" and yet they still don't know when they have a bad apple hanging from the tree?

Anyone worth the salt knows that you create a problem to solve a problem, the US wants a police state, so to accomplish this they pull off a Boston Bombing.

So go back and look up these events of history, if I can I may even supply you with a link or 2. But I doubt the truth will open a mind that is closed.

When you can look up the book called "War is a racket", Here is a link for you, it's cheap too.
(long post)

the assassinations were during a turbulent time. i will not think it impossible some rouge elements were behind these assassinations. and the fbi is not out of suspicion. but again, to what gain? why not just prop up a candidate, wait until next election, or wait for the sh** to hit the fan in Vietnam? i think anyone with any sense knows killing the US president is not the way to change things the way you want them. i cannot fathom VAST governmental misconduct. hell man, THEY (lol) couldn't even hide Watergate!

to which i bet some say "Watergate was just a sham and a TV show to lead the American people to believe...." and you can add whatever paranoid delusion a person can think of from there

nope, nothing happens and nothing ever does. bad, that is. that isn't created by the U.S. itself. THAT seems to be the message. but reality isn't like that. in that case i am lead to believe "gee their are REAL terrorist attacks and fake ones? let me decipher." how would i?

can you name ONE that has been legit? are they all under suspicion and the country would be perfectly peaceful without us plotting against....ourselves? despite all the WRONG we have done, well, we STILL have to conspire against our own, and kill them in the streets? because no one else can or will? that is absurd

for what cause, and what issue that would not already be brought by others? it would have to be awfully stupid people to do what is already being done. the U.S. does not pull strings against its own like THIS. other ways, sure. in politics. but we do ok over all

so far as the Indians? that is part of our history. its as if you have to remind me we have a bloody history when i know it just as well as you. the Indians were not peaceful among themselves, mind you. a nation was started on the east coast. a nation of people against the nations from which they came. the east coast was occupied by natives. these natives were overtaken by a more civilized culture and peoples. we killed them and they killed one another. a united, skilled army could defeat the less sophisticated natives. but many fought back, shed blood, and killed just the same. defending their home? yes. and they lost. the Europeans and the "Americans" won. they moved west and so did the fight. many more died. thats life, really. all over the world. and we have mostly friends to our north and our south and are protected from the other continents by vast oceans. we are not at war with our neighbors. in this world, that says something. we could own them even now. just march down and take it all. but this country never will.

we had slaves, the cia has tricks up its sleeve? i know this. i don't approve, but i tend to live in the moment

and i still want direct proof, conclusive and convincing of any one incident, specifically. credible evidence or credible testimony that leads to a meaningful conspiracy. the assassinations i can consider. but for sinister reasons of governmental control that goes to the highest levels of government? so Johnson can be President? pfft

damn, i bet Johnson was just an fbi puppet or some crap   :o

okay, i tell you what. lets say what you say is true? well, its not working. at least not on me. i get up and ride my scooters and motorcycles everyday. all these self-important assholes supposedly controlling things and us? they can kiss my ass. i'm free, screw them. we all have a very short time here be you 20, 40, or 75. life is what it is, we do not live in history. soon all breathing today will be gone and i am going to free myself from this sh** for my final 40 years on this earth. politics lol

so far as war? war is what it is. it was here before the U.S was here, and it will be here when we are gone. so will killing and death. i just try to make the best of it. and that is something you, i and others will never stop. ever. not so long as a person can pick up a stone and throw it

i am not a very political person so i will leave now :)
« Last Edit: April 23, 2013, 03:38:21 AM by MrKymco »


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Re: Kim Jung Un
« Reply #40 on: April 23, 2013, 03:47:20 AM »
Hey Zombie! What sayeth you man?...  ::)


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Re: Kim Jung Un
« Reply #41 on: April 23, 2013, 04:19:22 AM »
Mrkymco, i thought i was scater brained.  You didn,t address any of my links, you disvount ehat was done to the native tribes ss just an act of war. Thecfacts are there for you to look up,  i underdtand your limitations and desire not to look at the facts as presented to you, as for uou being free your midtsken. Try adding a room on to your house, i brt you needca building permit, electtical and msybe plumbing permit, survey, drawings and thrn you pay higher property tax, do tell me sgain how free you are.
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Re: Kim Jung Un
« Reply #42 on: April 23, 2013, 05:42:04 AM »
"Collateral damage" ... one of the phrases Americans invented and use in justifying deaths of civilians.... used in Vietnam, Gulf, etc. to justify their actions.... tsk, tsk...


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Re: Kim Jung Un
« Reply #43 on: April 24, 2013, 12:19:43 PM »
Mrkymco, are you still in this conversstion, have you read any of the links i supplied at your request?
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Re: Kim Jung Un
« Reply #44 on: April 24, 2013, 10:27:56 PM »
we're the only ones reading this  ;D

i will get to those links
« Last Edit: April 24, 2013, 10:29:33 PM by MrKymco »

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