Spent another 2 hrs at my dealer - and at long, long, long last did come away with a helmet type & size that will fit me. They pulled out a HJC XXXXL flip up helmet - that does not crush my forehead, nor rest in my teeth. If they had not tried so many times over the past 3 days to get me to buy a helmet that fit poorly ("....afterall, you're just riding a scooter!") .....well, I came home and purchased it for $40 less on eBay. Free delivery in about 5 days. Turns out that price was not a factor - I just could not get my big, strangely shaped head in ANY brand of helmet until they handed me that HJC model.
Ordered the weather cover from amazon as recommended by a Like rider here.
So, getting closer to riding this scooter. !!
BTW, I DID walk out yesterday when the saleslady made that remark about helmets and scooters.
And, have been searching out some tool kits, small manual tire pumps, patch kits, and small Italian flag decals :-)