What would be tell tale signs that your valves need to be adjusted??
If you have a LIKE 200i, please do not be afraid to check your valves. Set aside a few hours, so you don't feel rushed, though it will likely take you 1 1/2 hours the first time.
Take off the seat, and the battery cover, cover the battery with a rag, take off the center plastic panel - the hardest part of the procedure~!, but it's not so hard once you wiggle and unclip it.
Then follow the video - and, Bob's You're Uncle ~! ...you've adjusted your valves!
How to tell if they need adjustment? Well, they'd pretty much have to be way out of adjustment to notice much of anything. Too loose and they click like crazy --- too tight and they make no sound difference that could be heard over the engine noises. A little too loose is OK: too tight is dangerous for your engine.
Watch several videos on youtube (some are in German -but easy to follow) then take a shot at it!
The big thing is to take your time - because you're learning as you go along. We all had to.....
Ride Safe!