I like the downtown variator it has lots of meat on it,. to play with,. I shaved 1/2 mm. off of the two sides,. so my pulley is 24 mm. wide now,. same as the belt ,. I think I should take off an other mm. I might get then same results you got ,. took the variator to a machine shop and they did a half job,. I did the rest with my dremel,. extended the ramp to the edge of the variator,. sure took a lot of sanding to smooth it out after,. I took it for a ride after and at 6,000 rpm I was crusing at 70 mph., that was a first for this scoot,. the only thing is,, it does not work under lower speeds, has any one tryed over size rollers I was thinking to get 23mm. 18 mm. 24 gram sliders and cut them down to 23/ 12 16 gram then adjust to suit after,. what would be best for cutting laser ,. water jet,.
? any ideas welcome de dee