Gotta agree with 2290,
I met another guy on a scoot this morning - chased him down actually - scoots are so rare in these parts(small town OHIO).
and sure, enough, he was another old guy like me, riding a Honda Helix - used -.
The neighbors bought a pair - both are seniors. Saw a guy at my dealers having a Kymco LIKe like mine being loaded onto a truck for delivery to his house. He was another old guy.
Well, OK, I don't giggle like a 13 yr old girl (partly because I HAVE a 13 yr old daughter at home) but dadgum I'd hate for the goofyness that's going on inside my fullface helmet to get out onto youtube!
Youth is wasted on the young. It would be nice to see a lot of scoots on the road - but it's mainly youngsters bent double over their 'sport bikes' and old chubby guys on HDs -- with no mufflers blasting around here in 1st or 2nd gear.....without enough $ to get a tune-up apparently - because their bikes won't idle at a light without playing with the throttle like an adolescent.
Saw a lot of folks on scooters while in St Pete Beach - some were youngsters - but many were 30/40 yr olds having fun and saving $ going to work.
I think gas would have to go WAY up to start pushing scooter sales again. Don't see it happening.
I'm going to try to ride this scoot year 'round to work. We'll see how that goes. cold is no issue, snow is my concern. Sure do envy those folks in Florida.
Storm coming? Put on a poncho and hop on the scoot all year around!!