Hi Jim,
We're metric so it's 7000 kms or 4200 miles. My tires still look like brand new. Amazingly they don't seem to need much adjustment for air either. Dealer says to expect about 15000 k or 10000 miles or so on the tires. Previous scooters I've owned don't seem to wear the same on front and back. The ratio is predicted at two rear tires to one front, however I've never owned a scooter long enough to replace a tire, I just got a new scooter--darn it, that's about to change.
Longest rides I've done are about 400k per day--that's 240 miles. You just multiply the k's by .6 to get the equivalent miles--real simple.
We had a very wet summer last year, incredibly we're even more drenched this year. Our world is very green and beautiful but I think the farm produce is water logged and spoiled. Raspberries are not good.
We don't get much flooding probably because we live in an area that has well maintained road services and the water drains away pretty much instantly.
Bongoman, if you've got this far-- The Mousetrap is the longest running play in the world. Opened in London in 1952 and is still running 57 years later. Film rights have been sold, apparently, but the movie can't be made until the original production closes and that hasn't happened yet.
It was written by Agatha Christie and given as a gift to her nephew as a birthday present. She didn't think it would last a year.
It's a genre whodunit mystery--8 characters, 5 M and 3 F, one interior. Creepy mansion with many doors and every one is guilty.
Should be a ton of fun.
Happy riding everyone--we've got a new biker in the family this weekend. Daughter-in-law bought a 50 cc Yamaha Vino, I guess we're going to have to help her learn how to ride. If it stops raining long enough.