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Messages - awdwill

Pages: [1]
People s200 / Re: Headlights
« on: February 20, 2011, 07:18:36 PM »
I think a fundamental problem to consider, before even thinking about modifying the headlights or whatnot, is the insane difficulty in removing the back and front covers for the handlebar/headlight.... I gave up doing anything about the headlights because I just can't get the covers off despite having released all the tabs.

Technical | How To / Re: 2 question
« on: January 01, 2011, 04:41:06 PM »
I think I found the answer to my own question by digging into more old threads:

sigh, disappointed... so I am stuck with this lousy light...

Technical | How To / Re: 2 question
« on: January 01, 2011, 04:35:17 PM »
Just exploring this old thread. Wondering if the automatic dimming of headlight at idle (e.g. as it happens in my People S 200) affects HID headlight as well?  I am guessing that it probably does, but I wonder how bad it looks. The stock setup already annoys and often embarrasses me by dimming and brightening when I stop at intersection...

People s200 / Re: Side lights
« on: December 22, 2010, 06:37:09 PM »
cuz i don't know anything about wiring and was afraid i might mess things up if i tap into the lighting circuit, i found the only easily accessible thing that can be on/off: the cigarette lighter! i was glad  that it works. So far, no dimming of any pre-existing lights, of course.

People s200 / Re: Side lights
« on: December 19, 2010, 08:04:26 AM »
Set it up so that, with a the $28 LED lights from, the side lights function only when the electricity is turned on; off when the electricity is turned off. No additional switch required! Headlight not affected.

People s200 / Re: Side lights
« on: November 05, 2010, 12:25:33 PM »
Thank you for the help. I actually am very amateurish as you can see.

Say if I want connect the LED so that when I turn on the ignition, they are on all the time, and when i turn off, they go off and stop draining battery. How should I "tap" the wiring? Do I connect the (+)wire of LED to the (+)wire of headlight? And then do I connect the (-)wire of LED to the (-)lead of battery?

Is there a way to set it up so that (1) the headlight wouldn't be dimmed because of this, and (2) I don't cause FIRE!

thanks for helping out with such questions...

People s200 / Re: Side lights
« on: October 28, 2010, 12:32:32 AM »
thanks for the good idea. I think i'll use an LED strip. hope that doesn't look too crappy after i am done!

People s200 / Side lights
« on: October 25, 2010, 04:11:28 AM »
Has anyone tried to install regular light bulbs or LED lights into the empty side lights on the front of People S 200? Could you give me some tips on how to do that? I am interested in transforming them into either turn signals or just supplementary headlights.

People s200 / HJC-2002 alarm. Not working?
« on: October 25, 2010, 04:09:13 AM »
Just installed HJC-2002 alarm. Not working! please help.

here's the manual

Connected the following:
Yellow wires to turn signals, one to right, one to left, no problem here.
Red wire to positive terminal of battery, and black wire to negative terminal, no problem here.
Blue wires to the black-and-yellow wire between CDI and ignition coil; I also think I did this right, by cutting the black-and-yellow wire first and attaching one end to one blue wire, and the other end to the other blue wire.

I pressed the 2nd button on the remote for 3 sec and heard a beep, indicating wireless connection being setup between the remote and the alarm. All good here.

The 2nd button (vehicle locator button) works just fine. When I push on it, all four turn signal lights (front and back) will blink simultaneously until I press the same button again. This function (vehicle locator) works perfectly.

However, the most important function (the alarm itself), didn't work. I press the 1st button, and no response from the scooter. Tried again, still no response. Checked the fuses, none blown. Started the scooter, runs well as before.

Anyway, anyone has this system? Please help. Is there something I did wrong? At least the scooter still runs...

People s200 / Re: GIVI E30? or other luggage cases?
« on: July 25, 2010, 06:14:07 PM »
Thanks for the info, guys. I looked up GIVI E450 and really like the aesthetics. How come it's so pricey, though?

How about cheap-ass ones on eBay like this one:

This appears to be the same size as GIVI E30 (15"x15"x12")

What do you guys think justify the price difference?

People s200 / Re: GIVI E30? or other luggage cases?
« on: July 25, 2010, 05:09:37 PM »
Givi makes a great case I have the next one up i think(the removible one) little pricey but can get a full hemet and a case of beer in there if youd like mayby a 1/2 helmet too. No problems with it so far. the lock set takes some getting used to but thats about it. If you can find a sale I don't think you will be disapointed

thanks! do you know what's the model number?

People s200 / GIVI E30? or other luggage cases?
« on: July 25, 2010, 02:17:22 AM »
anyone has GIVI E30 (E30N) on People S 200? Does it fit well? Does it actually accommodate a full-face helmet well? If not, any suggestion on hard cases for People S 200?

People s200 / Question: RAM mount for 2009 People S 200 ??
« on: July 19, 2010, 02:57:30 AM »
Hi all, I am a proud new owner of a new 2009 Kymco People S 200! While I am still learning to be a good rider, I noted that the speedometer is both erroneous and very difficult to read. After much thinking, I have decided that it might be a good idea to mount my Garmin Nuvi 760 GPS onto the People S 200 and use the GPS speedometer. Has anyone tried RAM mount for such set up? If so, could someone post the model numbers? Each part of the RAM connector system has a separate model number, and I think there will be at least 4 separate modules needed for this setup (GPS holder -- ball plate -- arm -- main connector).

My thanks in advance.
and I also look forward to be a helpful member of this community.

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